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Gartner top data warehousing trends

Data architecture is the trend, however the traditional tiered data layer approach is still the norm… news from Gartner Report on what’s hot…

The Resurgence of Data Marts
A data mart is defined as an application-specific analytic repository of any size, normally with a specific, smaller group of users than a data warehouse. Data marts can be used to optimize the data warehouse by offloading part of the workload to the data mart, returning greater performance to the warehousing environment.

Column-Store DBMSs
Column-store DBMSs generally exhibit faster query response than traditional, row-based systems and can serve as excellent data mart platforms, and even as a main data warehouse platform. Gartner foresees several vendors changing the pricing model for the software from a more traditional per-user or per-core model to a price based on the volume of data loaded into the database.

In-Memory DBMSs
In-memory DMBS (IMDBMS) technologies exhibit extremely fast query response and data commit times and introduce a higher probability that analytics and transactional systems can share the same database. Analytic data models, master data approaches and data services within a middle tier will begin to emerge as the dominant approach, forcing more traditional row-based vendors to adapt to column approaches and in-memory simultaneously. BI solutions will emerge sooner rather than later, and these will leverage IMDBMSs with superior-performing products and will quickly become acquisition targets for megavendors.

Data Warehouse as a Service and Cloud
In 2011, data warehouse as a service comes in two “flavors” — software as a service (SaaS) and outsourced data warehouses. Data warehouse in the cloud is primarily an infrastructure design option as a data model must still be developed, an integration strategy must be deployed and BI user access must be enabled and managed. Private clouds are an emerging infrastructure design choice for some organizations in supporting their data warehouse and analytics.

Additional information is available in the Gartner report “Data Warehousing Trends for the CIO, 2011-2012.” The report is available on Gartner’s website at

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Posted by on February 22, 2011 in Data Warehouse Architecture


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